Re-Collections of Childhood Past

by James Hollis, Ph.D.

Available Right Now

...an invitation to re-member and to discern what 'stories' persist for us today.

For many adults' memories, childhood is fantasized as a magical time of play and discovery. But we too easily forget the fact that the world is also frightening and overwhelming to a child. 

This short course will draw on the work of novelist James Agee, and poets Anne Sexton and Dylan Thomas as apertures into that time as an invitation for each of us to re-member and to discern what “stories” persist for us today.

James Hollis, PhD

James Hollis, Ph. D., is a Zurich-trained Jungian analyst in private practice in Washington, D.C. He has been teaching for half a century and is the author of seventeen books translated into 20 languages. The latest books are:  Living Between Worlds: Finding Personal Resilience in Changing Times and Prisms: Reflections on this Journey We Call Life.

What you will learn

22.	Frederic Leighton - The Return of Persephone (1891), Public Domain
To re-vision your childhood experiences and to see the nature of the stories you are serving

To look at your stories through the poetic lens of James Agee, Anne Sexton, and Dylan Thomas

To recognize a new journey your life is calling you to and to have courage to live it

Who is it for

>> For people of all ages who want to see their childhood past in a new light
>> For writers and poets who want to deepen their perceptions and stories
>> For therapists and counselors
>> For everyone who wants to live their journey fully

What do people have to say


"James Hollis is taking us to the core issues in our journeys."

James Hollis has a rare gift for taking us directly to the core issues in our journeys. I always come away feeling that I have been given permission to be where I am in my own life and to continue on my own path, and know that I will have the company of others who are on their parallel journeys.


"He brings Jungian concepts to a very personal level."

James Hollis has a wonderful ability to bring Jungian concepts and ideas down to a very practical, personal level. Wonderful experience!


"A wonderful instructor."

Dr. Hollis' great background with Jung's work and literature makes him a wonderful instructor.

What you will get

>> Video recording of each lesson so you'll have the information easily accessible
>> Audio recording of each lesson to download on your digital devices and listen at your convenience
>> Discussion Board where you can leave your comments and share your ideas
>> Transcripts of all lectures. We’ve designed your transcripts with clear formatting, space for you to take notes, and helpful highlighted quotes so you’ll have the information easily accessible.


We put a lot of love and effort in creating transcripts for you. The transcript makes it easier to integrate new concepts.
You can also go back and double-check quotes and names that are mentioned.
Having the transcripts allows you to quickly add your notes of the ideas rather than transcribing the whole lesson.
Some people simply learn better by reading than by listening or watching.


When does the course start and finish?
Once you've enrolled, you have lifetime access to the course. Work at your own pace—there is no deadline to finish.

How long do we have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course.

Will we get access to the full course all at once?
Yes. Additional bonus modules and handouts may be added over time, but all of the course lessons are available upon enrollment.

What equipment/tools will we need to complete the course?
Access to a computer, an email account, and an eager and open mind! Additionally, we ask you to be curious and willing to play.

What do we do if we need help?
If you need help with something related to the course, please contact [email protected]. Thanks!


An outstanding opportunity to join the Re-Collections of Childhood Past course.

We feel honored that James Hollis has chosen to collaborate with SoulAtPlay in creating this amazing course. This is an exceptional opportunity to joined the world-renowned Jungian analyst as guides us to a deeper understanding of the mythopoetic process that shapes our life. James Hollis analyzes Anne Sexton's and Dylan Thomas' revelatory poems, and the most evocative descriptions of childhood by James Agee.

If you’re ready to take the next step in examining your childhood past, join this course.


"A brilliant thinker"

Dr. Hollis is a gem: a brilliant thinker and writer. It is a treasure to have any interaction with him, and a valuable experience to have him share his vast knowledge and great expertise.


"His teachings challenge me to show up."

My experience with Dr. Hollis, his professional expertise and knowledge of Jung psychology, has been a beacon of light in my personal day-to-day journey through life. His teachings challenge me to "show up" in life and bring the best that I have to offer to the situations and circumstances surrounding me.

Enrolling in the course also adds you to receiving the SoulAtPlay newsletter. It’s forever free, filled with exclusive content, and always optional. The material contained in this course is an expression of views and opinions and may be used for personal, educational purposes only. The course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in the course.