Improv: 12 Tools to Stay Sane in an Uncertain World

by Clay Drinko, Ph.D.


"Improv theater is about facing uncertainty by connecting deeply with others."

Clay Drinko has made it his life's work to apply the art of improv to our everyday lives.

Learn how to incorporate improv principles such as the rule of agreement, nonjudgment, and justifying mistakes into your daily routine with fun and accessible exercises designed by Clay.

This course starts with the scientific and theoretical framework for how improv affects the mind. Then Clay guides students through 12 improv principles. You'll walk away with 12 fun, childlike, improv-inspired exercises that will help you calm down, get out of your head, connect with others, and embrace uncertainty.

What you will learn

22.	Frederic Leighton - The Return of Persephone (1891), Public Domain
The latest science about how improv affects the mind.
How to calm down and stay positive.
How to apply the rule of agreement to your relationships.
How to listen so you feel included.
How to integrate playfulness into your everyday life.
How to boost your tolerance for uncertainty.

Clay Drinko, Ph.D.

Clay Drinko is an author and educator. He writes for Psychology Today about the intersection between improv comedy, science, and everyday life.

He's also the author of the first academic book connecting improv and cognitive science, Theatrical Improvisation, Consciousness, and Cognition. His most recent book, Play Your Way Sane, was published by Simon & Schuster last year and applies his improv research to everyday life.

Who is it for

>> Improv offers an innovative roadmap for becoming more mindful and flexible, so anyone interested in getting unstuck or trying something new would appreciate this course.
>> For people who want to tap into their childlike sense of play and playfulness.
>> For anyone interested in accessible ways to practice positivity, openness, and creativity.
>> For people who want to learn new ways to boost their interpersonal skills.

What do people have to say


"...it made me laugh and cry."

I so much enjoyed your workshop. Especially the lesson "Your mother was wrong, you're not special!" In combination with Improv, it made me laugh and cry at the same time! Thank you!


"The steps were practical and helpful to remind us how we all can apply the tools to be more present in our daily lives."

What you will get

>> Video recording of each lesson so you'll have the information easily accessible
>> Audio recording of each lesson to download on your digital devices and listen at your convenience
>> Discussion Board where you can leave your comments and share your ideas
>> Transcripts of all lectures. We’ve designed your transcripts with clear formatting, space for you to take notes, and helpful highlighted quotes so you’ll have the information easily accessible.
better by reading than by listening or watching.

How the transcripts are helpful

We put a lot of love and effort into creating transcripts for you. The transcript makes it easier to integrate new concepts.
You can also go back and double-check the quotes and names that are mentioned.
Having the transcripts allows you to quickly add your notes of the ideas rather than transcribing the whole lesson.
Some people simply learn better by reading than by listening or watching.


I'm not a therapist. Can I join the course?
Yes. Both people in healing professions and those interested in self-development can join the course.

Do you offer Continued Education Units?
At this point, we don't offer CEU.

When does the course start and finish?
Once you've enrolled, you have lifetime access to the course. Work at your own pace—there is no deadline to finish.

How long do we have access to the course?
You will have lifetime access to the course.

Will we get access to the full course all at once?
Yes. Additional bonus modules and handouts may be added over time, but all of the course lessons are available upon enrollment.

What equipment/tools will we need to complete the course?
Access to a computer, an email account, and an eager and open mind! Additionally, we ask you to be curious and willing to play.

What do we do if we need help?
If you need help with something related to the course, please contact [email protected]. Thanks!


A unique opportunity to join Improv: 12 Tools to Stay Sane course.

We are grateful to Clay Drinko for creating this course for the SoulAtPlay community. The tools he’s teaching are worth gold. Improv, similarly to our life, is an unscripted theater. Nobody knows what’s coming next.
So if you want a set of tools that makes you more resilient and resourceful in an uncertain world, join this course!


"I think my favorite part of Improv is not being able to be wrong, who wouldn't love a class like that! "


Enrolling in the course also adds you to receiving the SoulAtPlay newsletter. It’s forever free, filled with exclusive content, and always optional. The material contained in this course is an expression of views and opinions and may be used for personal, educational purposes only. The course is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen in the course.